A (DHT) Crawl Through The Medalla Testnet 🕷

Last Updated: 2020-08-06

🕸 Crawl Summary 🕸

  • Total number of nodes found: 750
  • Number of nodes on Medalla: 660

Only nodes with fork-digest e7a75d5a are members of the Medalla network.

Node location information is gathered by geolocating ip addresses 🌍

This plot gives us an idea of the network's reliance on ISPs and cloud providers.

  • Nodes with Valid IPs: IP address within one of the private IPv4 network ranges were considered invalid.
  • Nodes on AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean: IP addresses that corresponded to an ASN that belongs to Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or Digital Ocean.

If a node's ENR indicated that it belonged to one or more persistent committees, then it was considered a validating node.

Subnet subscriptions should be evenly distributed from 0 - 63.

This chart bucketizes nodes by the number of subnets they are subscribed to. This info can be used to estimate how many validators a particular node hosts. 😅

Again, the subnet subscriptions are used to bucketize nodes. If a node has < 64 subnet subscriptions, then it is blue; otherwise, orange.

The Gini coefficient and Lorenz Curve is another way to look at the distribution of validators across nodes. The closer the Gini coefficient is to zero, the more evenly distributed the validators are. Similarly, if every validating node hosted the same number of validators, then the shaded region would be the area under the 'Line of Equality' y=x.